Astrology for EmPOWERment with Seeking Wilder & BODYSTROLOGY

Is your transformative compass for the most awe-inspiring year of your life.


In just one session gain unparalleled clarity, align your actions with your deepest desires, and manifest abundance in every aspect of your life and business.

Ommpphhfffttt I AM READY for this!

Is your transformative compass for the most awe-inspiring year of your life.

In just one session gain unparalleled clarity, align your actions with your deepest desires, and manifest abundance in every aspect of your life and business.

Ommpphhfffttt I AM READY for this!









This isn't a one-time intention-setting practice, that leaves your intentions fizzling out before you've even mastered writing 2025 on your page.


Your Year of Abundance is the roadmap to embark on a life-changing journey, it's your invitation to claim a year of intention, alignment, and radical self-choosing - a year that transcends the ordinary and beckons you into the extraordinary.

Your Year of Abundance awaits. The year you fully follow the deepest desires of your heart, of not second guessing, or holding yourself back, or shrinking your goals and dreams because you know the energy is there to support you. The year you have a clear pathway to transforming your intentions and dreams into reality.


You are the curator of your dreams, you are the designer of your life.

You know the importance of investing in yourself, and have seen others welcome in abundance by working on their relationship to receive. Yet you're not quite sure how they cracked themselves open without falling apart.

You've tried to 'go with the flow', but found when you reflected on your so called 'flow' you were pretty much always going against your intuition.

You are the GOAT at following your head, making decision after decision you 'thought was a good idea at the time' only to be left feeling 'there has got to be more than this'.

Every new year, you feel an urge to set intentions, thinking this year is going to be different, but without guidance you find they fizzle out and drop off a few weeks into the new year.

You've always felt a pull towards the universe's rhythms, a curiosity about how the lunar cycle and the planets might be influencing your moods, well-being, business, decisions, and the path you're walking on. You're quick to blame any hiccups on Mercury Retrograde (even if you don't fully know what that even means).

And when things do go haywire, when you find yourself wanting to wrap yourself up in a burrito of blankets and hide from the world, you find yourself scrolling through your phone, seeking out a planet to blame your bleh feeling on. Wishing someone, anyone could give you a guide on which months are your expanders and which are your contractors.

There's so much information out there, and without guidance, you find yourself in a scroll-hole unsure of where to start or how to harness the potent energies of the year.

You ache for clarity on where your energy would be best focused each month of the year.

You desire a roadmap leading you towards an abundant life, with an index on how-to-get-out-of-your-own-damn-way, and experience the potent clarity self-trust provides.

You yearn to connect with a like-hearted soul, who lights up the path of your soul purpose, and won't let you snuff out the light.

That pull you feel isn't just coincidence or whim; it's a call from the universe, urging you to align with its cycles.

The Year of Abundance is not just about understanding how the planets rock your world; it's about discovering the ease of working with the lunar cycles, the validation of know the exact soul lesson you are working through this year.

With this guide, rituals, and intuitive insight, you don't just learn which areas of your life and business to focus on with each change is astrological season; you experience the transformative energy of creating abundance easefully, and the power of starting your year with intention.

Lemme give you the roadmap to your most aligned year yet.

"It's one of the best gifts I gave my self last year and I will 100% be doing it again this year."


"Over the past two years I’ve not only 10x my income, but more importantly I’ve 10x my self trust. Working with Courtney helps me see myself the way others do, helps me believe in myself and take action. And that sort of shift is pricelessGrateful for every session and Courtney’s ongoing support."


"The moment I received my Year of Abundance reading, I printed it out and placed it on my board where I could see it as I moved through the seasons. Not even 2 months on, I already began to see things coming to fruition. Now it's been 10 months on and can honestly say that the lessons Courtney talked about that were ahead of me for this year have definitely come to pass and had it not been for the Year of Abundance reading, I probably would have completely lost it. The theme of "expansion and contraction" in abundance and lack came up as a theme in my reading and it's never been more true. I look up at the reading on my board at least every day as it reminds me of certain periods in my life where I can really drop in and build on certain themes or to regain my power. This has been the best birthday present I have ever bought for myself and if you are looking for clarity in your year ahead and being given all the tools to handle whatever comes your way, book your Year of Abundance reading you will not regret it! I am already hounding her to book in for 2024!"


"This offering was an absolute game changer for my business and I firmly believe Selene Interiors wouldn't have achieved the milestones and growth it has without the reading and advice from Courtney.

The year of abundance reading provided so much more value than I anticipated. It has given me the confidence to create business decisions, plan and implement with ease.

I regularly reverted back to the recording and would often find a new nugget of wisdom. I also experienced a few uh uh moments during times I made business decisions that did not fall into alignment which was normally during a retraction period rather than an expansion.

Do your business a huge favour enlist in Courtney's incredible year of abundance offering to set yourself up for an aligned year."

Embrace your Year of Abundance, where you'll seamlessly navigate a year infused with intention, unveiling the alignment of your soul path, moving gracefully through periods of contraction and expansion, making empowering and radical choices for yourself, all while attaining profound clarity and experiencing transformative growth.

This session is the simplest path to transition from feeling uncertain, overwhelmed and adrift at the start of the year to embodying a confident, intentional creator, easefully aligning with the energies of each month, an experiencing the transformative power of aligned abundance living.
I'm ready to align with my deepest intentions

Is your guided journey into harnessing the power of each astrological season.

Within one year of using the exact process I am yearning to guide you through I 

  • Published and launched a book within months, threw an epic one-of-a-kind-book-launch with zero stress and sooooo much joy and ease.
  • Sold out 2 online courses filled with soul-mate-dream-clients within days, while spending majority of my time by the beach.
  • Been of service to 100's of clients, and yet still having loads of time for connection with my family and friends.
  • Planned and took time off when I knew I would be (and was) in a season of contraction, to ensure I was only ever giving from a place of fullness and abundance. 
  • Aligned my life and business with my values, stopped putting off my joy until a later date, eradicated the mentality of I'll be happy when.

And I can pinkie promise you it was not just 'luck', I'm not some everything-always-falls-into-place-blessed-creature-of-nature kind of being, this process hasn't only just given me the incredible results like this, it's been replicated by my clients time and time again.

But you don't just need to just take it from me...

"It might sound cliché but the Year of Abundance reading honestly changed my life"


"It might sound cliché but the Year of Abundance Reading honestly changed my life.
My intention going into the reading was to seek clarity on how to have an abundant business while also having and abundant personal life. Thanks to Courtney, 2022 has been the best year for my business and we have also welcomed a second baby to our family 🥰

I can’t wait to do the reading again to set up for an incredible 2023!"


"I sat down with Courtney for my Year of Abundance reading towards the end of 2021 with the desire to live 2022 with more intention. Every session with Courtney leaves me feeling uplifted and hopeful, and this one was no different. I’ve gone back to my reading at least once a month since then, as have used the reading as a way to make the unconscious conscious, and to bring a real awareness into my day to day.

Going back to the recording has been especially helpful when things have felt crazy in my personal or business life. It’s one of the best gifts I gave my self last year and I will 100% be doing it again this year.’"


"After my Year of Abundance reading what really landed was the fact that things are really going to start falling into place for me, and to also embrace the cycles I have and just be ok in them. That is something I've not really ever been good at, I really want to be able to get to a stage to tell myself, it's ok to rest and it's not a bad thing. I even started working on that straight after our reading.

This honestly filled my cup. It was a beautiful session and I would seriously do this every year!"


Here's the juice of what's included:

Year of Abundance Reading

Delve into the intuitive revelations of your Year of Abundance. A profound exploration of your Year Ahead that unravels 13 enlightening insights into the unique lessons and energies destined for you and your business journey in 2025. 

Power Dates Guide

Discover the cosmic alignments personal for you and your business in 2025. Unlock the potential of these celestial rendezvous when the Sun aligns directly with the influential aspects in your birth chart. This guide empowers you to harness the energy of these dates, offering strategic insights into when and where to channel your focus for optimal impact on various aspects of your life and business throughout the year.

Soul Card

Embark on a personal journey with your Soul Lesson's for 2024 & 2025. This reading serves as your compass, guiding you to forge a deep connection with the transformative lessons and energies that will shape your path in 2025.

Astro Insight eBook

A personalised roadmap crafted exclusively for you. This isn't just a guide; it's your companion for a year of abundant living, providing insights and wisdom tailored to your unique journey. Uncover the secrets of manifesting with precision, utilizing the 2025 moon phases as your cosmic allies. Align your intentions seamlessly with the stars, guided by the wisdom encoded in your very own personalised birth chart.


Close your eyes and breathe deeply as you elevate your experience with the Intuitive Guidance Meditation. An exclusive tool designed to amplify your intuition and anchor you into self-trust.

Personal Podcast Recording

Indulge in the downloadable recording of your personal reading—an exclusive podcast crafted specifically for you. This recording is your personal reservoir of insights, a valuable resource to revisit for ongoing guidance throughout the year. It's not just a recording; it's your customised podcast, a companion that ensures the wisdom from your reading remains easily accessible, empowering you with continuous insights and support.

Give me all those goodies!

What do you do when you feel it coming?

 The crumbling

● The bottom of the shower cries, the trying to keep a lid on things, the ache to burn it all to the ground, to change your name and number, and run? 

● What do you do when you feel the storm roll in? 

When you look around at the life and business you built and think “f^€k, it just got dark quick”? 

● When the noise of ‘this wasn’t what I thought it would be like’ becomes overwhelmingly loud?

● When all you see is everyone else having it together, and that little voice inside cries out ‘why isn’t that me?!’

I am yet to meet someone who isn’t familiar with the crumble, yet for so many when it happens we feel like we are all alone.

Like somehow we’ve failed, like somehow we should be able to keep it all together all the time. Like somehow, like no other being of nature, we should always be full.

We create our Year of Abundance just as much in times of crumbling, as we do in times of growth.

When I truly understood and accepted that there is a season for everything

I stopped shaming and punishing and pushing myself, when it was the season the crumble.

I stopped forcing myself to keep it all together and show up for every one else, when it was the season to go within.

What would it be like if instead of trying to ignore the shift in season, and burning yourself out trying to chase an eternal summer?

You had a supportive framework to nurture you in those times of crumbling, a step-by-step guidebook to turn to so you can move through your seasons of discomfort with ease? 

If you’re ready to stop avoiding the inevitable, and start loving the crumbing (almost) as much as you love the rise, my Year of Abundance readings were designed with you in mind.

I'm ready to know when its my season to crumble and my season to thrive

Don't miss out on this epic value!

  • Year of Abundance Reading - A profound exploration of your Year Ahead that unravels 13 enlightening insights into the unique lessons and energies destined for you and your business journey in 2025. 
  • Power Dates Guide - Unlock the potential of cosmic alignments personalised for you and your business in 2025, as this guide empowers you to strategically harness the energy of celestial rendezvous, providing insights on when and where to focus for optimal impact on various aspects of your life and business throughout the year.
  • Soul Card Reading - Embark on a personal journey with your Soul Lesson's for 2024 & 2025. This reading serves as your compass, guiding you to forge a deep connection with the transformative lessons and energies that will shape your path in 2025.
  • Astro Insight eBook - A personalised roadmap crafted exclusively for you. This isn't just a guide; it's your companion for a year of abundant living, providing insights and wisdom tailored to your unique journey. Uncover the secrets of manifesting with precision, utilizing the 2025 moon phases as your cosmic allies. Align your intentions seamlessly with the stars, guided by the wisdom encoded in your very own personalised birth chart.
  • Intuitive Guidance Meditation - Close your eyes and breathe deeply as you elevate your experience with the Intuitive Guidance Meditation. An exclusive tool designed to amplify you intuition and anchor you into self-trust.
  • Recording - Indulge in the downloadable recording of your personal reading—an exclusive podcast crafted specifically for you. This recording is your personal reservoir of insights, a valuable resource to revisit for ongoing guidance throughout the year. It's not just a recording; it's your customised podcast, a companion that ensures the wisdom from your reading remains easily accessible, empowering you with continuous insights and support.
Total value: $779

Your price: $444!

Let's do this!

How is this Year of Abundance reading different?

We can hear you now...

 "I'm not super woo-woo, is this still for me?"

You don't need to be super woo-woo or even woo-woo at all to gain sooooo much freaking clarity from these readings. I'm all about practical applicable spirituality, and amplifying the internal intuition each and every one of us has (which is probably why I have a strong client base of somewhat sceptics).

Even if Tarot and Astrology aren't your thing creating the habit of setting intentions on specific areas of your life and business, AND checking in with them twice a month through the practices in the guidebook will cultivate EPIC results.

"I haven't had a Biz & Birth Chart reading from you, can I still get a Year of Abundance Business Reading?"

You sure can! You would just need to provide the birth date, place and time of your business at booking. - and if you are unsure what that is NO STRESS! I have a step-by-step guide that has had 100% accuracy in helping people calculate the exact aligned birth date's for their businesses. Just leave the birthdate/place/time question boxes blank at booking and we will email the guide through prior to the reading.

"I need more ongoing support, is this a only one and done kinda thing?"

I FEEL YOU! I too am someone who loves a semi regular check in (or sometimes needs a loving kick up the butt re-alignment and clarity session). 

Which is why I created the VIP option where you can receive quarterly 1:1 clarity coaching sessions with me.  

These session go hand in hand with your Year of Abundance reading, and will keep you anchored into energy you are desiring to call into your life and business in 2025. 

As an intuitive life & business coach I am qualified in a range of modalities, they are all anchored in my soul mastery and path of unlocking your soul essence, and amplifying its voice so you can follow it with ease.

Claiming my Year of Abundance!

This year is all about ME


or $139/m x 4 on a payment plan

You'll receive

  • 45-minute Live or Pre-Recorded Intuitive Year of Abundance Personal Tarot Reading (VALUE: $333)
  • Soul Card Lesson reading for 2024 & 2025 (VALUE: $80)
  • Astro Season Insight eBook (VALUE: $111)
  • 23 Personal Power Dates Guide for 2025 (VALUE: $222)
  • Downloadable guided Intuitive Guidance Meditation (VALUE: $33)
  • Downloadable recording of the reading (VALUE: PRICELESS)

Valued at $779

Secure your spot now!

All about that biz/life balance


or $222/m x 4 on a payment plan

You'll receive

  • 2x 45-minute Live or Pre-Recorded Intuitive Year of Abundance Personal & Business Reading (VALUE: $666)
  • 2x Personal & Business Soul Card Lesson reading for 2024 & 2025 (VALUE: $160)
  • 2x Personal & Business Astro Insight eBook (VALUE: $222)
  • 2x Personal & Business 23 Power Dates Guide for 2025 (VALUE: $444)
  • Downloadable guided Intuitive Guidance Meditation (VALUE: $33)
  • Downloadable recording of the reading (VALUE: PRICELESS)      

Valued at  $1,761

Secure your spot now!

For the Biz Owner Who Desires The Whole Shebang


or $444/m x 12 on a payment plan

You'll receive

  • 2x 45-minute Live or Pre-Recorded Intuitive Year of Abundance Personal & Business Reading (VALUE: $666)
  • 12x 90-minute live 1:1 Monthly Clarity Coaching Sessions (VALUE: $5,994)
  • 12 months access to the Soul Seeker Society (VALUE: $396)
  • 2x Personal & Business Soul Card Lesson reading for 2024 & 2025 (VALUE: $160)
  • 2x Personal & Business Astro Insight eBook (VALUE: $222)
  • 2x Personal & Business 23 Power Dates Guide for 2025 (VALUE: $444)
  • Downloadable guided Intuitive Guidance Meditation (VALUE: $33)
  • Downloadable recording of the reading (VALUE: PRICELESS)

Valued at $7,915

Secure your spot now!

These babies are so full of juicy personalised insights so spots are SUPER limited to ensure and energy of excellence*

*No seriously - all the spots sold out to the waitlist in 2021, 2022 2023 AND 2024!

These babies are so full of juicy personalised insights so spots are SUPER limited to ensure and energy of excellence*

*No seriously...

All the spots sold out to the waitlist in 2021, 2022 2023 AND 2024!



Keen to be the ultimate power couple and get the roadmap to understanding each other’s cycles and season? Is your partner not quite as ‘open’ as you, yet would be keen to sit down together to set intentions and goals that actually led to the aligned action that those turns goals into reality? Would you and your partner love a step-by-step do it yourself guide on how to create ease & flow in every area of your lives by knowing exactly where to focus your energy and intention each month?

Are you the entrepreneur who cannot be contained to one business or idea, got a few balls in the air and would love a guidebook to 202 for both your businesses?

Mumma, are you up a night eyes heavy mind wired thinking ‘is it a full moon?’ cause your kids have been wildly bouncing off the walls? Wish you knew which times of the year were going to be A LOT for them (and in turn you)?


For just $222 you can add on another Astro Insight & Power Dates Guide eBook for your partner, kiddies or biz!

(valued at $333!)

This isn't just a guide; it's your personal roadmap for a thriving 2025.

Tailored just for you, it reveals the cosmic secrets that empower you to strategically focus on what truly matters in your life and business throughout the year.

From aligning with moon phases to decoding your personalised birth chart, this guide is your trusted companion, ensuring every step resonates with your unique journey.


Meet the soul who will be your guide into your most aligned year yet

Courtney Wilder
Seeking Wilder

The creator of Seeking Wilder, Courtney is an author, intuitive business coach, tarot teacher, business astrologist, podcast host, part mermaid, poetry lover, mumma, bestie to many, wife, heart-led soul-centred boss babe.  

The walking embodiment of the mirror you have been aching to gaze upon. 

I have been in devotion to deep transformation for many years now, and I have perfected a process of being able to curate experiences that lead people back home to themselves. 

My blood pumps to the truth that each of our businesses is a living legacy that is aching to be fulfilled. My ability to dream BIG is contagious and there is no way to leave my side without catching the knowing that you are here for MORE. In my sessions you will find a best friend and soul sister who is willing to be in the trenches with you while you face off with the parts of you that you hide so well. 

You cannot work with me, and stay the same.

Practical spirituality is my calling (literally in my stars) my Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon and Capricorn Rising gifts me the ability to transform intuitive rituals into practical tools that can be quickly and easily implemented into your daily life and business, to create an overflow of abundance, and ease.

Follow Courtney:
Instagram @seekingwilder

Have questions? I have the answers!